‘First regular comeback’ E’Last captures women’s hearts with ‘dark sexy charm’


Group E'LAST is capturing women's hearts with its dark sexy charm.

Elast released individual concept photos for each member of the ETERNITY version of its first full-length album 'EVERLASTING' through its official SNS account for 6 days from the 13th to the 18th.

In the released concept photo, members Romin, Wonjun, and Wonhyuk boasted dazzling visuals and shook women's hearts by exuding a cool and handsome force. The members presented an unconventional concept using torn vinyl, and the uniform black outfits made the members' intense eyes stand out even more. Additionally, the three members raised expectations for the new album with their more manly appearances.

Members Baekgyeol, Rano, and Yejun showed off their dark sexy charms and immediately caught the attention of fans. The members showed off their charisma with their sharp eyes. In addition, he created a bold hairstyle in colors ranging from intense red to brown and ash gray, and while uniform in black, he fully revealed his own individuality by using outfits such as leather jackets and suits and colorful accessories.

Elast revealed all six members' second individual concept photos, thrilling fans with their deepened masculinity and unique aura. In particular, the members raised expectations for the new album by showing off the digestion power of 'all-round concept idols' with an intense and dark sexy charm that had not been shown before.

In the first full-length album released by Elast since its debut, you can see a deeper and broader spectrum of music. Elast is currently working hard to prepare for a comeback to present even more upgraded music and performances.

Elast's first full-length album 'EVERLASTING' will be released on various online music sites at 6 PM on May 2nd.

(Photo courtesy = E Entertainment)

(SBS Entertainment News Reporter Kang Seon-ae)

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